Choi, Hana, and Carl F. Mela (2024), “Display Advertising Pricing in Exchange Markets,” revising for 2nd review, Marketing Science
Xu, Boya, Yiting Deng and Carl F. Mela (2024), “A Scalable Recommendation System for New Users and Items."
Mela, Carl F., Jason M.T. Roos, and Tulio Sousa (2024), “Advertiser Learning in Direct Advertising Markets,” under revising for 2nd review, Marketing Science.
Lemmens et al. (2024), “Personalization and Targeting: How to Experiment, Learn & Optimize,” revising for 2nd review, International Journal of Research in Marketing.
Daljord, Oeystein, Carl F. Mela, Jason Roos, Jim Sprigg and Song Yao (2023), “The Design and Targeting of Compliance Promotions,” forthcoming, Marketing Science.
Mela, Carl F. and Christine Moorman (2022), “Why Marketing Analytics Hasn’t Lived Up to Its Promise,”
Boston, Harvard Business Review Best of HBR Special Issue, Winter, 2022, 102‐105.
Mela, Carl F. and Brian Cooper (2021), “Don’t Buy the Wrong Marketing Tech,” Boston, Harvard Business Review, July/August.
Deighton, John A., Carl F. Mela and Christine Moorman (2021), “Editorial: Marketing Thinking and Doing,” Journal of Marketing, 85, 1 (January), 1-6.
Roos, Jason M. T., Carl F. Mela, and Ron Shachar (2020), "The Effect of Links and Excerpts on Internet News Consumption," Journal of Marketing Research, 57, 3 (May-June), 395-421.
Choi, Hana, Carl F. Mela, Santiago Balseiro, and Adam Leary (2020), “Online Display Markets: A Literature Review and Future Directions,” Information Systems Research, 31, 2 (June), 556-575.
Oblander, Eliot Shin, Sunil Gupta, Carl F. Mela, Russell S. Winer, Donald R. Lehmann (2020), “The Past, Present and Future of Customer Management,” Marketing Letters, 31, 125-136.
Choi, Hana and Carl F. Mela (2019), “Monetizing Online Marketplaces,” Marketing Science, 38, 6 (November-December), 948-972.
• Lead Article.
Arcidiacono, Peter, Paul B. Ellickson, Carl F. Mela and John D. Singleton (2019), “The Competitive Effects of Entry: Evidence from Supercenter Expansion,” American Economic Journal: Applied.
Deng, Yiting and Carl F. Mela (2018), “TV Viewing and Advertising Targeting,” Journal of Marketing Research, 55, 1 (February), 99-118.
• Finalist, MSI Buzzell Best Paper Award
Bronnenberg, Bart, Jun Kim and Carl Mela (2016), "Zooming in on Choice: How Do Consumers Search for Cameras Online?" Marketing Science, 35, 5 (September-October), 693-712.
• Lead Article.
• John D.C. Little Best Paper Award
Ahn, Dae-Yong, Jason A. Duan, and Carl F. Mela, (2016), “Managing User Generated Content: A Dynamic Rational Expectations Equilibrium Approach,” Marketing Science, 35, 2 (March-April), 284-303.
Hahn, Richard, Indranil Goswami and Carl F. Mela (2015), “A Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Inferring Player
Strategy Types in a Number Guessing Game, Annals of Applied Statistics, 9, 3, 1459-1483.
Zhou, Bo, Carl F. Mela, and Wilfred Amaldoss (2015), “Do Firms Endowed With Greater Strategic Capability Earn Higher Profits,” forthcoming, Journal of Marketing Research, 52, 3 (June), 325-336.
Huber, Joel, Wagner Kamakura, and Carl F. Mela (2014), “A Topical History of JMR,” Journal of Marketing Research, 51, 1 (January-February), 84-91.
Mela, Carl F., Jason M.T. Roos and Yiting Deng (2013), "A Key Word History of Marketing Science," Marketing Science, 31, 1 (January-February), 8-18.
• Invited Paper.
Yao, Song, Yuxin Chen, Carl F. Mela and Jeongwen Chiang (2012), "Determining Consumers' Discount Rates With Field Studies," Journal of Marketing Research, 30, 3 (May-June), 447-468.
• Paul Green Best Paper Award
Mela, Carl F. (2011), “Data Selection and Procurement,” Marketing Science, 30, 6(November–December), 965–976.
• Invited Paper.
Yao, Song and Carl F. Mela (2011), “A Dynamic Model of Sponsored Search Advertising,” Marketing Science, 30, 3 (May-June), 447-468.
• Finalist, Frank Bass Best Dissertation Award
• Finalist, John D.C. Little Best Paper Award
• American Marketing Association John Howard Best Dissertation Award.
• Finalist, Long-term Impact Paper Award, Marketing/Management Science.
Bronnenberg, Bart J., Jean-Pierre Dube and Carl F. Mela (2010), “Do DVRs Influence Sales?” Journal of Marketing Research, 47, 6 (December), 998-1010.
• Lead Article.
Ataman, Berk, Harald J. Van Heerde and Carl F. Mela (2010), "The Long-term Effect of Marketing Strategy on Brand Sales," Journal of Marketing Research, 47, 5 (October), 866-882.
Duan, Jason, and Carl F. Mela (2009), "The Role of Spatial Demand on Outlet Location and Pricing," Journal of Marketing Research, 46, 2 (April) 260-278.
Yao, Song and Carl F. Mela (2009), “Sponsored Search Auctions: Research Opportunities in Marketing,” Foundations and Trends in Marketing.
Ataman, Berk, Carl F. Mela and Harald J. van Heerde (2008), “Building Brands,” Marketing Science, 27, 6 (November-December), 1036-1054
• Finalist, John D.C. Little Best Paper Award.
• ERIM Top Article Award.
• Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards.
• Emerald Group Publications Citation of Excellence.
• Long-term Impact Paper Award, Marketing/Management Science.
Yao, Song and Carl F. Mela (2008), “Online Auction Demand,” Marketing Science, 27, 5 (September-October), 861-885.
• Finalist, John D.C. Little Best Paper Award.
Bronnenberg, Bart J., Mike Kruger, and Carl F. Mela (2008), “The IRI Academic Dataset,” Marketing Science, 27, 4 (July_August), 745-748.
Gupta, Sunil and Carl F. Mela (2008), “What is a Free Customer Worth?” Harvard Business Review, 86, 11 (November), 102-109.
• Feature Article.
Bronnenberg, Bart J., Jean Pierre Dube, Carl F. Mela et al. (2008), “Measuring Long Run Marketing Effects and their Implications for Long Run Marketing Decisions, ” Marketing Letters, 19, 3-4 (December), 367-382.
Ansari, Asim, Carl F. Mela, and Scott A. Neslin (2008), "Customer Channel Migration," Journal of Marketing Research, 45, 1 (February), 60-76.
• Finalist, Paul E. Green Best Paper Award.
Lodish, Leonard M., and Carl F. Mela (2007), "If Brands Are Built Over Years, Why are they Managed Over Quarters?," Harvard Business Review, 85, 7/8 (July-August), 104-112.
Du, Rex, Wagner Kamakura, and Carl F. Mela (2007), "Size and Share of Customer Wallet,” Journal of Marketing, 72, 2 (April), 94-113.
• Finalist, Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award, Journal of Marketing.
• 2005 Direct Marketing Foundation Conference Best Paper Award
• 2004 MSI Alden Clayton Best Dissertation Award
Ataman, Berk, Carl F. Mela and Harald J. van Heerde (2007), "Consumer Packaged Goods in France: National Brands, Regional Chains, and Local Branding," Journal of Marketing Research, 44, 1 (February), 14-20.
• Invited Paper
Bronnenberg, Bart J., Carl F. Mela, and William Boulding (2006), "The Periodicity of Pricing," Journal of Marketing Research, 43, 3, 477-493.
Kamakura, Wagner, Carl F. Mela, et al. (2005), "Choice Models and Customer Relationship Management, Marketing Letters, 16, 3/4, 279–291.
Moorman, Christine, Rex Du, and Carl F. Mela (2005), "The Effect of Standardized Information on Firm Survival and Market Strategies," Marketing Science, 24, 2 (Spring), 263-274.
Bronnenberg, Bart and Carl F. Mela (2004), "Market Roll-out and Retailer Adoption for New Brands," Marketing Science, 23, 4 (Fall), 500-518.
• John D.C. Little Best Paper Award.
• Finalist, Long-term Impact Paper Award, Marketing/Management Science.
van Heerde, Harald J. Carl F. Mela and Puneet Manchanda (2004), "The Dynamic Effect of Innovation on Market Structure," Journal of Marketing Research, 41, 2 (May), 166-183 .
• Finalist, Paul Green Best Paper Award
Ansari, Asim, and Carl F. Mela (2003) "E-customization," Journal of Marketing Research, 40, 2 (May), 131-145.
• Paul Green Best Paper Award
Bucklin, Randolph E. et al. (2002), "Choice and the Internet: From Click Stream to Research Stream," Marketing Letters, 13, 3 (August), 245-258.
Mela, Carl, and Praveen K. Kopalle (2002), "The Impact of Collinearity on Regression Analysis: The Asymmetric Impact of Positive and Negative Correlations" with Praveen Kopalle, Applied Economics, 34, 6 (March), 667-677.
• Lead Article.
Kopalle, Praveen, Carl F. Mela, and Lawrence Marsh (1999), "The Dynamic Effect of Discounting on Sales: Empirical Analysis and Normative Pricing Implications," Marketing Science, 18, 3 (Summer), 317-332.
Alba, Joe, Carl F. Mela, Terry Shimp, and Joel Urbany (1999), "The Effect of Discount Frequency and Depth on Consumer Price Judgments," Journal of Consumer Research, 26, 2 (September), 96-114.
• Lead Article.
Jedidi, Kamel, Carl F. Mela, and Sunil Gupta (1999), "Managing Advertising and Promotion for Long-run Profitability," Marketing Science, 18, 1 (Winter).
• Lead Article.
• MSI Best Paper Award.
• Finalist, Long-term Impact Paper Award, Marketing/Management Science.
Mela, Carl F., Kamel Jedidi, and Douglas Bowman (1998), "The Long Term Impact of Promotions on Consumer Stockpiling Behavior," Journal of Marketing Research, 35, 2 (May), 250-262.
Mela, Carl F., Sunil Gupta, and Kamel Jedidi (1998), "Assessing LLong-TermPromotional Influences on Market Structure," International Journal of Research in Marketing, 15, 2 (May), 89-107.
• Lead Article.
• Best Paper Award
Wilkie, William L., Carl F. Mela, and Gregory T. Gundlach (1998), "Does 'Bait and Switch' Really Benefit Consumers? Advancing the Discussion...," Marketing Science, 17, 3 (Summer), 290-293.
Wilkie, William L., Carl F. Mela, and Gregory T. Gundlach (1998), "Does 'Bait and Switch' Really Benefit Consumers?" Marketing Science, 17, 3 (Summer), 273-282.
Mela, Carl F. (1998), "Future Issues in Preference and Choice Rule Identification," Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 78, 1, (February), 165-81.
Mela, Carl F., Sunil Gupta, and Donald R. Lehmann (1997), "The Long Term Impact of Promotion and Advertising on Consumer Brand Choice," Journal of Marketing Research, 34, 2 (May), 248-261.
• O'Dell Best Paper Award
• Paul Green Best Paper Award
• AMA Communications SIG Best Paper Award
• MSI Best Paper Award
• Finalist, Lehmann Best Dissertation Award
Meyer, Robert J., et. al. (1997), "Dynamic Influences on Individual Choice Behavior," Marketing Letters, 8, 3, 349-360.
Mela, Carl F., and Joel Urbany (1997), "Promotion Over Time: Exploring Expectations and Explanations," Advances in Consumer Research, 24, 529-535.
Mela, Carl F., and Joel Urbany (1996), "Special Session: Inferences About Pricing and Promotion," in Advances in Consumer Research, Kim P. Corfman and John G. Lynch, eds. Provo: Association for Consumer Research, 78-79.
Mela, Carl F., and Donald R. Lehmann (1995), "Using Fuzzy Set Theoretic Techniques to Identify Preference Rules From Interactions in the Linear Model: An Empirical Study," Journal of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 71, 165-81.
Harlam, Bari A., Aradhna Krishna, Donald R. Lehmann, and Carl F. Mela (1995), "The Impact of Bundle Type, Price Framing, and Familiarity on Evaluation of the Bundle," Journal of Business Research, 33, 1 (May), 57-66.
“Advertiser Learning in Direct Advertising Markets”
• Stanford University Seminar Series, Palo Alto, California, May 2023.
• University of Santa Clara Series, Boston, Massachusetts, May 2022.
• INSEAD Seminar Series, Boston, Massachusetts, April 2023.
“The Design and Targeting of Compliance Promotions”
• Boston College Seminar Series, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2022.
• KU Leuven, Leuven Seminar Series, Belgium, September 2022.
• University of Colorado Seminar Series, Boulder, Colorado, August 2022.
• University of Washington Seminar Series, Seattle, Washington, May 2022.
• Boston University Seminar Series, Boston, Massachusetts, October 2021.
“A Scalable Recommendation System for New Users and Items”
• Erasmus University Seminar Series, Rotterdam, Netherlands, September 2022.
“Display Advertising Pricing in Exchange Markets”
• University of Colorado Seminar Series, Boulder, Colorado, August 2021.
• Boston College Seminar Series, Boston, Massachusetts June 2021.
“Monetizing Online Marketplaces”
• Stanford University Seminar Series, Palo Alto, California, April 2019.
• Northeastern University Seminar Series, Boston, Massachusetts, April 2019.
• University of Michigan Seminar Series, Ann Arbor, Michigan, March 2019.
• Boston University Seminar Series, Boston, Massachusetts, February 2019.
• University of Alberta Marketing Camp, Edmonton, Alberta, June 2018.
• Georgetown University Seminar Series, Georgetown, District of Columbia, April 2018.
• University of Southern California Seminar Series, Los Angeles, California, April 2018.
• University of Rochester Seminar Series, Rochester, New York, February 2018.
• Harvard University Seminar Series, Boston, Massachusetts, February 2018.
• Boston University Seminar Series, Boston, Massachusetts, February 2018.
• University College London Seminar Series, London, England, January 2017.
• Economics of Advertising Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, July 2016.
• University of Chicago Seminar Series, Chicago, Illinois, February 2016.
• Columbia University Seminar Series, New York, New York, February 2016.
• Emory University Seminar Series, New York, New York, February 2016.
• University of Pittsburgh Sheth Marketing Camp, Seven Springs, Pennsylvania, January 2016.
• Yale University Seminar Series, New Haven, Connecticut, November 2015.
“Ad Pricing in Display Markets”
• Boston College Seminar Series, Boston, Massachusetts, May 2019.
• University of Vienna Seminar Series, Vienna, Austria, October 2019.
• Tilburg University Christmas Camp, Tilburg, Netherlands, December 2017.
• Juniper Networks Disruptive Decisions Conference, San Francisco, California, September 2017.
“Advertiser Learning in an Internet Advertising Network”
• NYU Digital Social Mobile Conference, New York, New York, December 2017.
“TV Viewing and Advertising Targeting”
• New York University Seminar Series, New York, New York, February 2017.
“Zooming in on Choice: How Do Consumers Search for Cameras Online?”
• University of Colorado Seminar Series, Boulder, Colorado, July 2015.
• The Ohio State University Seminar Series, Columbus, Ohio, January 2015.
• Temple University Seminar Series, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 2014.
“An Equilibrium Model of User Generated Content,”
• University of South Australia Seminar Series, Adelaide, Australia, October 2014.
• Indiana University Business Economics Seminar Series, Bloomington, Indiana, November 2013.
• Tilburg University Seminar Series, Tilburg, Netherlands, May 2013.
• King Carlos III University Seminar Series, Madrid, Spain, May 2013.
• Erasmus University Seminar Series, Rotterdam, Netherlands, April 2013.
• Groeningen University Seminar Series, Groeningen, Netherlands, April 2013.
• Carnegie-Melon Seminar Series, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 2012.
“Hypermedia Search and Consumption,”
• University of Houston Seminar Series, Houston, Texas, November 2012.
• University of Frankfurt Seminar Series, Frankfurt, Germany, August 2012.
• HEC Marketing Camp, Paris, France, August 2012.
• University of Colorado Seminar Series, February 2012.
• University of Pennsylvania Marketing Camp, February 2012.
• University of Michigan Seminar Series, Ann Arbor, Michigan, February 2012.
• University of San Diego Seminar Series, San Diego, California, January 2011.
• University of North Carolina Seminar Series, Chapel Hill, North Carolina December 2011.
• University of Tilburg Christmas Camp, Tilburg, Holland, December 2011.
“A Key Word History of Marketing Science,”
• 2012 ISMS Doctoral Consortium Plenary, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, June 2012.
"Price Discrimination in Marketing and Economics,"
• 2011 ISMS Doctoral Consortium, Rice University, Houston, Texas, June 2011.
“A Dynamic Model of Sponsored Search Advertising,”
• University of Wisconsin Seminar Series, Madison, Wisconsin, November 2010.
• Rice University Seminar Series, Houston, Texas, October 2010.
• University of California Seminar Series, Riverside, California, February 2010.
• University of California Seminar Series, Davis, California, February 2010.
• Google Seminar Series, Mountain View, California, May 2009.
• NBER Summer Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, July, 2009.
• University of Texas Seminar Series, Austin, Texas, February 2009.
• London Business School Seminar Series, London, England, February 2009.
• INSEAD Business School, Fontainebleau, France, January 2009.
• Erasmus University Seminar Series, Rotterdam, Holland, January 2009.
• Tilburg University Seminar Series, Tilburg, Holland, January 2009.
• University of British Columbia Seminar Series, Vancouver, Canada, January 2009.
“Do DVRs Affect Sales?”
• Northwestern University Seminar Series, Chicago, Illinois, January 2010.
• University of California, Shansby Marketing Seminar Series, Berkeley, California, May 2009.
“The Validity of Cognitive Hierarchy Play in p-Beauty Games,”
• University of Rochester Seminar Series, Rochester, New York, May 2010.
“The Role of Spatial Demand on Outlet Location and Pricing,”
• Emory University Hightower Lecture Series, Atlanta, Georgia, November 2008.
• MIT Sloan School Seminar Series, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 2008.
• Summer Institute on Competitive Strategy, Berkeley, California, June 2006.
“Online Auction Demand,”
• New York University Marketing Camp, New York, New York, May 2008.
• Dartmouth College Seminar Series, Hanover, New Hampshire, April 2008.
• Yale University Seminar Series, New Haven, Connecticut, January 2008.
• Columbia University Seminar Series, New York, New York, November 2007.
• University of Maryland Seminar Series, College Park, Maryland, October 2007.
• MIT Buck Weaver Symposium, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 2007.
• University of Texas Seminar Series, Austin, Texas, March 2007.
• Stanford University Seminar Series, Palo Alto, California, January 2007.
• Washington University Seminar Series, St. Louis, Missouri, October 2006. “Building Brands,”
• University of Notre Dame Sharing Scholarship Series, South Bend, Indiana, July 2008.
• University of Toronto Seminar Series, Toronto, Ontario, February 2008.
• Yale University Customer Insights Conference, New Haven, Connecticut, October, 2006.
“If Brands are Built Over Years, Why are They Managed Over Quarters,”
• IIR Return on Marketing Investment Conference, Miami, Florida, February 2007.
“Future Directions in Marketing Econometrics,”
• 50 Years of Econometrics Conference, Erasmus, Holland, June 2006.
“Customer Channel Migration,”
• Indiana University Seminar Series, Bloomington, Indiana, May 2005.
• University of Michigan Seminar Series, Ann Arbor, Michigan, December 2004.
• New York University Marketing Camp, New York, New York, June 2004.
• University of California, Riverside Seminar Series, Riverside, California, May 2004.
• Erasmus University Seminar Series, Rotterdam, Holland, February 2004.
• Tilburg University Seminar Series, Tilburg, Holland, February 2004.
“Managing Brands,”
• Northwestern Marketing Camp, Evanston, Illinois, September 2005.
• Yale University Seminar Series, New Haven, Connecticut, March 2005.“
Choice Models and Customer Relationship Management,”
• International Symposia on Choice Modeling and Behavior, University of Colorado, Estes Park, Colorado, June 2004.
“The Dynamic Effect of Innovation on Market Structure,”
• University of Florida Marketing Camp, Gainesville, Florida, March 2004.
• University of Houston Seminar Series, Houston, Texas, January 2004.
• University of North Carolina Seminar Series, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, September 2003.
• Dartmouth College Seminar Series, Hanover, New Hampshire, July 2003.
“Market Roll-out and Retail Adoption for New Brands of Non-durable Goods,”
• Cornell University Seminar Series, Ithaca, New York, February 2003.
• Wharton Seminar Series, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 2003.
• Dartmouth College Seminar Series, Hanover, New Hampshire, July 2002.
• MIT Seminar Series, Cambridge, Massachusetts, May 2002.
• University of California, Los Angeles Seminar Series, Los Angeles, California, January 2001.
• MSI Young Scholars Conference, Park City, Utah, January 2001.
“Customization in Electronic Media,”
• International Symposia on Choice Modeling and Behavior, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley,
California, June 2001.
“Inertia in Pricing,”
• University of South Carolina Seminar Series, Columbia, South Carolina, March 2000.
“The Dynamic Effect of Discounting on Sales: Empirical Analysis and Normative Pricing Implications,”
• Columbia University Seminar Series, New York, New York, July 1999.
• Wharton Seminar Series, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 1999.
“Managing Advertising and Promotion for Long-Run Profitability,”
• University of Chicago Seminar Series, Chicago, Illinois, April 1999.
• Duke University Seminar Series, Durham, North Carolina, December 1998.
• Kraft Planner Seminar Series, Glenview, Illinois, May 1999.
“The Long-Term Impact of Promotions and Advertising on Consumer Brand Choice,”
• Institute for International Research Consumer Promotions Conference, New York, New York, September 1998.
• AMA Advanced Research Techniques Forum, Keystone, Colorado, June 1998.
“The Long-Term Impact of Promotions on Consumer Stockpiling Behavior,”
• Southern Methodist University Seminar Series, Dallas, Texas, April 1998.
• Dartmouth College Seminar Series, Hanover, New Hampshire, February 1998.
“Frequency vs. Magnitude Effects in Price Judgments: The Moderating Effect of Price Distributions,”
• University of Illinois Marketing Camp, Urbana, Illinois, September 1997.
“The Dynamic Effects of Advertising and Promotions on Brand Choice and Purchase Quantity,”
• E.I. DuPont Marketing Seminar Series, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, April 1997.
“The Long-Term Impact of Promotions and Advertising on Brand Performance,”
• Marketing Science Institute Use and Usability Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, September 1996.
“Dynamics in Choice: Econometric Evidence and Implications,”
• International Symposia on Choice Modeling and Behavior, Columbia University, Harriman, New York, June 1995.
“The Long-Term Impact of Advertising and Promotions on Brands,”
• Kraft Planner Seminar Series, Glenview, Illinois, June 1995.
• Advertising Research Foundation Sixth Annual Scanner/Behavioral Research Workshop, New York, New York, May 1994